How can Big Data improve your restaurant /business?

Welcome back to another exciting topic about restaurants. Today our leading actor is called BIG DATA, and I am glad to explain how we can take advantage of it to increase sales in Restaurants. Let´s get started! Sources: What is big data? Big data represents a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large and difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. Yet, the process can draw meaningful conclusions from datasets that seem entirely irrelevant to the human brain of even a less powerful computer program. Sources: Small restaurant with big data Sources: How to collect information Big Data Analytics?  Big data analytics provides relevant data in a few easy steps: POS system.  It all starts with the  POS system , as it keeps a perfectly accurate record of all orders and financial transactions per guest. Phone calls . Many visitors call restaurants to book a tabl

How Web Cookies Work for restaurant business


How many times have you opened a website a legend appears asking if you want to accept the cookies? By instinct, you click on "accept", but probably you had no idea what is that.

Hello and welcome back, entrepreneurs!

Sadly, the delicious topic that I am about to present is not a recipe but is helpful information. This note will cover a reliable and powerful tool. Today's menu is Cookies.

I will introduce to you the topic, starting to answer the most obvious question, "what is", and then, I will explain their purpose in Digital Marketing and how you can apply them.

Web cookies for dummies

Cookies are like a memory that users' devices save from one particular website. When you accept the cookie, your device immediately allows the site to remember you, so the site will not require information whenever you get access again. The site will keep you logged in and will check your activity. (Kukulva, 2021) Each cookie has a different ID, so sharing one cookie with another user gets impossible.

For example, when you logged in for the first time on your laptop to your Facebook account, your email and password were required, but that only happened once if you didn't delete your browser's cookies.

Who invented Internet Cookies?

In 1994 Lou Montulli created them while an employee at Netscape company. He noticed that the site had some gaps when customer relation was. (Singleton, 2000) He was trying to fix the Internet's problem, the website memories. Anytime users get access to a site, they need to log in repeatedly. Since then the idea of cookies arise

What are cookies used for?

In short, their primary function is to make your navigation process easier for each user, without having to put your credentials anytime the person get access to the same site. Let's check this with an example:

According to Statista, between 2019 - 2020, users spend 145 minutes on Social Media (Statista, 2022); that means that a person should rewrite their email and password more than ten times per day if cookies have not existed. For websites is precisely the same, when your customers get access at your restaurant site for a booking, and they visited before, the cookie store at their laptops will remember them

Types of web cookies

Even though the purpose is equally the same, their functionality differs, and this is why web cookies are in two different flavours:

First-party cookies: Are stored directly by the website or domain the user is visiting. These cookies are most famous for E-commerce businesses. First-party cookies collect data, and only the website owner can get access.

Are first-party cookies used in advertising? The answer is not really, since they belong to the site user.

Third-party cookies: Created by a secondary domain. Their existence is to track the activity made for each user inside of the site, mainly used for advertising since they can understand the user behaviour and therefore, ads according to the user lifestyle will be display

Cookies in Digital Marketing

Even when it seems that cookies are annoying, they are pretty cool, and for Digital Marketing, their services are very needed. From the advertising perspective, the cookies can target your audience in age, gender, location and else, and also the behaviour on your website and in your Social Media platforms.

Remember that to better communicate with your audience; you need to understand their behaviour and which section of your website they visit the most; this aspect will allow you to know how, why, and when.

Why it is essential to delete web cookies on your browser

The Meta Compliance blog express that the principal reasons why you should delete them from the browser are:

·         Slow your browser: Unfortunately, they can make your system run slower.

·   Security: As they store data, users' information might be in danger under a cyberattack. Therefore, to protect your info, it is highly recommended to delete cookie browsers once in a while.

·       Personal information: Cookies store your data and behaviour; they can understand your likes and habits.

·         Public or shared computer: This might sound from an ancient era when people visited the café Internet to check their emails. The cookies start to work whenever you use a computer and log in to your email or your social media platforms.

(Meta Compliance, 2019)

The process can vary according to the browser, but in general, from Google to Internet Explorer, you have to click on the settings and select the option in Privacy and Security. I will let you see this short video where the settings are located.

Source: Youtube

Are web cookies bad

The Kaspersky website explained that cookies are not dangerous; they can damage computers or devices due to their naturality. They do not provide viruses, but they can be reached for cyberattacks. (Karspersky).

Moreover, you need always to know that cookies can be limited


It is difficult to define if cookies are good or bad. It depends on the use that you are going to give them. Firstly, you must consider what information you will need and why. Data protection is a topic that is on-trend every day, and some users feel to identify whit it. Nobody wants to share their info with others. However, as we explained before, the nature of cookies is to improve the user experience will the person is navigating inside the website. Most small business owners don't know how to create a web page, so they pay for it. If you are in this situation, explain to the website creator what you are looking for, he must guide you in the best way!

Don’t forget to share the article and follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Author: Karen Amezcua 

Keywords use in order of appearance:



Karspersky. (n.d.). Karspersky. Retrieved from Karspersky:

Kukulva, M. (2021, July 23). New Programatic. Retrieved from New Programatic:

MDN Contributors. (2022, January 20). Developer Mozilla. Retrieved from Developer Mozilla:

Meta Compliance. (2019, March 25). Meta Compliance. Retrieved from Meta Compliance:,and%20then%20steal%20personal%20data.

Singleton, S. (2000, July 11). CATO. Retrieved from CATO :,sites%20become%20viable%20commercial%20enterprises.

Statista. (2022, January 28). Statista. Retrieved from,minutes%20in%20the%20previous%20year.



  1. Awesome blog and good tip to clear your cookies every now and then to stay safe online. But all that talk of cookies made me hungry...

  2. Es la mejor y más útil información que he recibido en mucho tiempo y yo que decía"para que dem#@* me sirven las cookies, hasta ahora entiendo
    Gracias Karen por tan útil información!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like how you mentioned about the cookies and how the information can be used in the website when it comes to seeing the habits and the patterns of the consumers. I like how well informed article is, now I won't be afraid to accept the cookies, no matter how unhealthy it is 😅😂. I like the idea about the personal information that is included in it, how habits can help with the data and how different devices also plays important role in it. Well written

    1. Hi Shivika,
      I'm glad to hear that you are willing to accept the cookies. It is said that soon they will disappear. However, it is also essential to consider what was their purpose, and this was like the first step after many other successful tools that we have now on digital transformation marketing

      Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram as well; we share more and more information about digital marketing that you might be interested

  5. Hello Karen,
    Thank you for giving us this necessary and valuable information. In my particular case, I did not understand the use or why these cookies appear on websites and often, I accept them without understanding why. However, I did not know what they were doing. The operating system will work slowly. Now I understand why it is important to clean the cache.
    The excellent information in the article was straightforward to understand the subject.
    Now I must pay attention to which sites I must accept or better avoid.
    How often do you think it is necessary to clean the cache, and if this does not eliminate the searches that we have made?

    I appreciate any help you can provide.

    1. Hi Fiorella,
      That's a very excellent question! I recommend that you do it at least once every 6months. You don't need to do it pretty often, remember that when you do that, the logging access from all your websites is deleted, and probably you find this process a little bit annoying after a while; the decision is up to you.

      And as you say, you must verify which websites you are visiting before providing personal information such as email and particularly bank information. Before sharing your knowledge on those sites that you don't find trustable, always take time.

      Thank you for sharing your doubts. See you soon!


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